Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Monday, April 13th 2009

Today (and yesterday) are German holidays so all the businesses are closed. I needed a few items at the Commissary (US businesses open) this morning but they would not let me buy coffee without my ration card. Coffee, liquor and gas are all rationed over here. I hope I can get some before tomorrow cause we are out!

This past weekend was one of our best here yet. We logged over 50 miles on our bikes Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we rode to and from Mainz-Kastel to attend a Medieval Fair in the courtyard of an old Roman museum. Mainz has some very interesting Roman roots that I'd love to explore a bit more.

We had on our very loud bike jerseys which made us easy to spot by a fellow hasher who had traveled down from Frankfurt with some friends to visit the fair. We weren't prepared to look so obviously American among the other fair patrons in their period costume or more earth-toned clothing. Most German bicyclists do not wear half the gear that Americans do. For one thing, most go without helmets and just wear regular street clothing. We felt pretty out of place at this thing.

Yesterday (Easter Sunday) was another glorious day on our bikes. We rode about 36 miles up the Rhein River to a small town called Ingelheim, where we caught a ferry boat to Oestrich-Winkel. Then we continued home via Eltville to visit our new sponsored family in their ultra-modern house. Then Walluf, Biebrich, and a few more outdoor wine bistros later, we were home around 9pm for our first skype date with the family back in DC!

My friend Robin has bought plane tickets to visit for 10 days at the end of April. She will be our first visitor from the States! She will join us and some friends to go biking through the tulips in the Netherlands first weekend in May. What fun! Planning some more bike trips with her while she is here.

Today is Frankfurt Hash's first Monday hash of the season. Lewis has to work but I will try to attend the hash and return in time to pick him up from work. He had a very busy and exhausting install in Kaiserslautern last week.

Rocky and Howard say hello to everyone. They are enjoying our courtyard with everything in bloom and the birds singing up a storm.

Love, Jaime and Lew

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